Sunday 4 April 2010

Français ou pas du tout?

If you've read this blog for a while, you will know that the one question that always gives a me a sore head is: French or no French? We have a strange relationship, I and the French language. Sometimes we are in love, sometimes we are bitter enemies. Now (at the moment), I'm tempted to take it up again. I'm seriously considering it. It's not like I have the time, but it could be fun... and I have some kind of a base (err... those 6 years I spent learning it were not a total waste of time, were they?).

So, now I need your help. You will decide for me. I will put a questionnare in this blog: if you say yes, I will learn French, if you say no, I will forget it forever. Deal?


knickknacks said...

Depends on what your intention is really. Why would you want to do French again?

Zsuzsi said...

Just to prove to myself that I can do it... and I hate leaving things unfinished. But I don't really need it for anything!

knickknacks said...

I would say go for it! You have nothing to lose. Provided it doesn't make you too miserable. =)

Le Hamster Ruso said...

Soy belga y español, y en mi familia me criaron de forma que aprendiera a la vez el francés y el español. Si te intersa el francés ánimo, siempre es más fácil de aprender que el alemán.

Zsuzsi said...

knicknacks: thanks :)

Sebastián: ánimo? Para mí el alemán es "a piece of cake" (muy parecido al sueco!) y el francés siempre me causa un dolor de cabeza enorme (no debería ser tan difícil, pero por alguna razón desconocida yo no lo entiendo)... bueno, lo pensaré :D