Friday 7 May 2010

Travelling Lightly


The ability to travel lightly doesn’t seem to be genetic. Whereas my mother can throw everything she needs for two weeks in a tiny bag, I can’t even leave the house without bringing half my stuff with me, just in case.

The plan is to stay away from home for one (1) day, but all the folloing items were still absolutely necessary: laptop, charger, ½ of the items of makeup bag, Hungarian dictionary, three notebooks, Hungarian work book, mp3 player (which needs to be charged), journal, a little something to read on the bus, a bottle of wine (gift), pencil case with about 10 pens (in different colours, of course), PJs, a pair of trousers, two t-shirts, camera, mobile phone (which doesn’t work).

Will I need any of this stuff? Not likely.

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