Monday 23 August 2010

H&M Junkie

One of the greatest things about autumn is that it’s SHOPPING time. Yes, I’m a girl, and hence I keep on collecting massive amounts of clothes that I only wear once. Or twice. Or nil times.

Anyhow: this year I want to keep it a) simple and b) cheap, so my knight in shining armour will probably be H&M.




There’s another fashionable lady in this house (probably the only one, at least in this flat). She’s visiting us again today, and as usual we have entertained ourselves by scaring the neighbours and taking naps. She’s now sleeping under the bed, and I’m sitting next to the fan in complete darkness. Today is one of those days when you feel like you’re in an oven, and you just want to keep all the light and hot air outside.

Now: work!

1 comment:

knickknacks said...

I have been doing plenty of online [window] shopping lately for falls clothing as well! Coming from a temperate country where it is bloody hot & humid all 365 days, I have plenty to learn about layering and looking hot in tights and stockings! ;)