Monday 19 December 2011

The Greatest Gift Of All

When I was still a little girl, my mother used to clean a book shop at night. We weren’t rich, but now and then she would buy me a book and leave it on the kitchen table so that it would be the first thing I’d see in the morning. I read about Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and a lot of horses.

I loved these books, all the stories they told and the worlds they showed. Eventually I grew too old for Nancy Drew & co, but I’m still madly in love with words. Almost all my money and time are spent on books, but it’s OK. Because – what would my life be without all those masterpieces I’ve read throughout the years?

Next up is the play Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája) by Imre Madách.

How about you, what will you be reading next?

1 comment:

keishua said...

I'm reading or rather listening to ON Writing by Stephen King