Sunday 18 November 2012

First Attempt


* * *Po kvapke tvojej lásky som dnes túžil,

ja, vetrom rozochvený list.
Možno mi slnko namaľuje na krík zopár ruží,
za tebou musím na kraj sveta ísť.
Na ceste sa mi biela šálka rozlomila,
z dňa zostal už len zlatý pás.
Noc, moja dobrá modrá víla,
nezahas svetlo, čo je v nás!
Potom ťa pojmem tíško za ruku,
ty si tá rosa krištáľová,
čo padá za skorého rána na lúku.
Na pásik tejto hnedej zeme
my budeme sa vracať stále znova,
kým spolu koniec leta nenájdeme.

Dezider Banga - Horiaca višňa, 1983


For the drops of your affection I longed today,

I, the leaf shaken by the wind.

Maybe the sun paints me on the bush of a few roses,

for you I must go to the end of the world.

On the road I was broken by a white cup,

only a golden strip remained of the day.

The night, my blue fairy godmother,

unveil the light that is in you!

Then I will take you quietly by the hand,

you are the crystal dew,

that falls from early morning onto the meadow.

To the strip of this brown earth,

we will return together, over and over again,

until we find the end of summer.

- Dezider Banga - Horiaca višňa, 1983 -

(Translation my own)

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